Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Characters conflict

In the final section of the book, the main character Ty Johnson is facing many new obstacles including his safety and the safety of his surroundings. Ty's best friend and partner Sonny gets shot and killed over a drug deal, Ty is thinking hard, rather or not he should leave the business, and start a new life. When Ty finally made his decision he went to visit his father in prison and told him that he wants out, his dad started yelling at him and telling him how stupid he is, but i can understand why Ty had no more passion to deal, he lost his best friend Sonny, he lost his girl that he loved, and he just doesn't want to risk anymore.

If you were in Ty's position, would you quit the business, and walk away from all the riches, from your dad who is provoking you to carry on the business, and from everything that you ever did, in order to save your loved ones, and to save yourself?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Section 2: Character traits.

In this novel the main character Ty Johnson is a teenage guy from a rough neighborhood in the Bronx, New York were drugs and gang violence are a part of an everyday life. Ty's dad was a big time drug dealer who got caught, and now he is in jail. Ty took over the business and is very successful in what he does, he is very smart and careful about what he does as well, hes got many friends and some enemies. Ty is also a very good athlete he goes to the gym regularly, plays basketball. In the novel Ty is described as a ladies man and a loving son.

If your loved ones were in trouble, would you give up everything that you have to protect them?
Section 1: Summary

In the first section of the book, Ty Johnson is introduced to the readers as a teenage drug dealer from Bronx, a rough neighborhood in New York, which is surrounded with drug dealers and gang members. Ty gets kicked out of school, and has a few problems on his own with his co-workers. Ty's mom makes him go to a alternative school, where he meets the girl of his dreams Alyse. He quickly falls for her and finds out she has a kid, Ty quickly realizes that his business is dangerous and he doesn't want Alyse to find out. As the heat raises on Ty's crew he quickly goes to his ex con drug dealer dad Orlando, who advices him to hire a hit man to wipe out the competition. As the pressure raises, Ty has to figure out quick what his enemy will do next, and for the #1 drug dealer on the streets, strategy is not just about staying ahead, its about survival.

If you were in Ty's position would you walk away from all the money and the power, to protect your friends and family?