Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Characters conflict

In the final section of the book, the main character Ty Johnson is facing many new obstacles including his safety and the safety of his surroundings. Ty's best friend and partner Sonny gets shot and killed over a drug deal, Ty is thinking hard, rather or not he should leave the business, and start a new life. When Ty finally made his decision he went to visit his father in prison and told him that he wants out, his dad started yelling at him and telling him how stupid he is, but i can understand why Ty had no more passion to deal, he lost his best friend Sonny, he lost his girl that he loved, and he just doesn't want to risk anymore.

If you were in Ty's position, would you quit the business, and walk away from all the riches, from your dad who is provoking you to carry on the business, and from everything that you ever did, in order to save your loved ones, and to save yourself?


  1. I certainly would quit if it meant I would keep my loved ones out of harms way. The last thing I would ever do is put anyone I know in harm for riches.

  2. I would walk away and quit because you can always get another job but a family is forever and without a family or someone that you know and care about how can a person live with regretting what they have given up.

  3. If I were him, I would walk away from everything. First I would feel like crap because my bestfriend had just died in the same business as him. That would drive me away from it right away but to lose your gf that you love is another thing too. That is probably the stupidest thing you can do. Even if my my father told me otherwise.

  4. If I were Ty, I wouldn't quit the business and I would listen to my dad. I'd do this because I have nothing else to lose. I lost my bestfriend and my girlfriend that I loved, which is not easy to replace. I'm in this business now and I'm going with it, either way, good or bad, up or down, whatever happens, happens.
