Thursday, May 13, 2010

Section 1: Summary

In the first section of the book, Ty Johnson is introduced to the readers as a teenage drug dealer from Bronx, a rough neighborhood in New York, which is surrounded with drug dealers and gang members. Ty gets kicked out of school, and has a few problems on his own with his co-workers. Ty's mom makes him go to a alternative school, where he meets the girl of his dreams Alyse. He quickly falls for her and finds out she has a kid, Ty quickly realizes that his business is dangerous and he doesn't want Alyse to find out. As the heat raises on Ty's crew he quickly goes to his ex con drug dealer dad Orlando, who advices him to hire a hit man to wipe out the competition. As the pressure raises, Ty has to figure out quick what his enemy will do next, and for the #1 drug dealer on the streets, strategy is not just about staying ahead, its about survival.

If you were in Ty's position would you walk away from all the money and the power, to protect your friends and family?


  1. So if I were in Ty's position, I would totally walk away from all the money and power to protect my family and friends. Money and power isn't important because they do not give you happiness. having friends and family is one of the most important things in life and it would be a waste if you were to just let them go.

  2. I know it would be difficult for Ty, because he will feel tremendous guilt for walking away. It's his Dad's business, and everything he's had has been because his Dad has been a drug dealer. But if it was to protect his family, Ty would do it because his family is all he has. For me...I'd easily walk away from $$ to protect my family and friends. Money isn't everything... family is.
